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I felt kind of depressed and decided to go with such a game... I was left crying and asking myself why would she do it when people loves her, when she knows that they will be hurt, when she knows she is useful, when she knows she is valuable. I'm really young, a middle schooler, and even younger when I had to face parental loss but at the moment I just didn't care. It's all coming out now and the way she just went made me angry. Angry at the fact that my people died when I cared about them. My siblings did and friends as well. It wasn't purposely but I am just so, so angry and so, so confused and hopeless. My only reason of existing is my mentally unstable sister and my aunt (mother's sister.). There is also this old lady that takes care of me but she is 70 years old. I don't know how will I cope with her death. After her, if I lose those two I lost it all. I have have many plans with my bestfriend but they will have to be canceled. Anyways its 5am and the severe depression kicked in. I am so sorry for all this vent but if anyone out there actually read this and listened to my problems then... Just thank you.


ya I get that same thing but then I think to myself and think of like u never know when they have to go it can be today it could me tomorrow it could be in 20 mins u never know my aunt past away like 2 years ago and when I heard the news I just started getting depress and once I stand up and I think to myself u cant never be always depress sometimes we just have to deal with it our pets our loved once and more. and all people who want to end yourself there's so many reasons not to end yourself. ur parents will think they have failed u. ur siblings will miss ur voice. ur pets will be waiting for u to come home. ur best friend will be missing there other half. ur mom will remember they way u smiled and the way u eat her food. u will never listen to ur fav song ever again. u will never get ur dream. u will never know if u met the one. there's always a way to solve ur problems... and most of all I'm so proud of u that u are Abel to be here today..... and if u reed all of this then I just got to say....thank u some much


Thank you for replying to my comment. What I was referring to was the death of my last relatives. I might have plans but their death will be really burdening and unacceptable to me. Now that it's noon and I'm not in that depressed phase I can see that even after their death, life could be hard but I'd stand. Maybe I'd be vulnerable and think a lot about suicide but then again, I'd probably find ways to cope with depression. Mental hospitals are a good option as well. Anyways, thank you for your time.