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As far as I can tell each keyboard key has it's own effect.

  • For the coordinates I've found both "N" and "Y" make their own seperate coordinate line show up which helps with something in the forest.
  • "V" makes the vase appear outside the computer room. 
  • "Z" mirrors the world. 
  • "S" makes the skybox the way you describe. 
  • "O" makes the office building disappear. 
  • And "A" glitches the pause menu cursor. 

I wonder if I can add a picture of my notes... 

I think it works.

That's awesome, thank you for the findings, im surprised by how simple it was

Could I ask where are the "steel bar jail doors" youre reffering to located?

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In the forest level there is a well that you can jump down. I don't remember what turns to take but theres a room with four tombstones that is normally blocked by a metal bar gate, but if you press "J" the gate disappears. It also gets rid of the gate to the beating heart thing and the swinging blades.

Edit: I didn't know exactly what to call it, seeing as some of the keys effects start with the letter of the key (like "F" for fish, "G" for gravity etc.) so I went with jail door cause it kinda looks like prison bars.

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I probably could have made things a bit clearer before sending the picture. With "K" the first time I got the key on top of the office building it was a wind-up key, every other time though its been a normal key for doors. So maybe pressing "K" works both ways? Could have done more testing with that.

Oh also, pressing the "Return to Title" option in the pause menu doesn't seem to reset any keys you pressed. But "crashing" the game with "Q" reboots the game with a random set of pressed keys.

Thank you, I knew about these but assumed you were talking about something else since theres a conventional path to go through in the well using the levers inside

Men, I had also noticed this and was trying to figure out each effect of each button. But you've saved me a lot of time. Good job!