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Bug: Multi event ending on same day affects wrong girl (persumbly due to shifting index).

I had 3 active event on a certain day: time loop, journalist, vistor p2 (triggered order, j, v, t. Girl order ...t...jv)

The journalist happens to end on that day(along with the one day time loop).

Time loop ends, dup removed correctly.

Journalist ends, but it removes the visitor instead--persumbly because the removal of the dup shifted the girl index by 1. (The 'story" is about the journalist, the name mentioned is the visitor's. The visitor event had another 8 or so day to run)

Bug: A spam of "Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'staminaCost')" that is growing. At this time, it is at 108 stacks.
This might be due to me getting too many customers, I have ~14k total rep and over 50 customer per "shift". This occurs as the first customer of each day comes in and does not otherwise affect the game.

Not sure if you still maintain the game, it haven't been updated in a while but... doesn't hurt to note these.