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(7 edits)

Stuck on night 6, idk if just bad rng or what but after sinking days into and just fighting this level, every time i lose its because i run out of power. this level has made me insane and ive lost all hope of beating it

Try changing strats, theres one where you focus the foxy cam and check it every few seconds to stall foxy. That helped me to beat night 6.

pretty much what i do, i feel ive gotten the audio cues practically down pact at this point and i only watch foxy so she doesn't catch me off guard. Like i said just bad rng i guess. Thx for the advice regardless tho!

Here is my strat: Check both sides, then bring up the camera, only check Cam 1C (Booty Cave) and Cam 6 (Kitchen) back and forth, rinse and repeat. When Freddy is at Cam 6, close the right door, then follow the strat. Yeah thats going to drain the power, and it'll take some tries; but it was the only thing I knew to do. So hopefully it'll help you conquer 4/20.