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I truly only made an itch account just so that I can share how truly amazing this game is, when I first downloaded the game I knew this was the kind of game I was going to love it and I did, I love the farming system (really easy and once you unlock cheese it's not that hard to get money anymore [I have 17.4k XD]), I can definitely see this game being an awesome game in the near future, keep up the good work but don't overdo yourself.

PS (careful spoilers): I think I almost reached the end of this update but I'm gonna wait for the next update bc I'm positive that almost 1 girl or more will get their pregnancy upd and I wanna do the new years event again when that happens.

glad you liked bro!

Because of a small bug this patch had 2 credits scenes, so after you reach the first one there's still more 5 to 7 hours of content hehe


Thanks for the info bro altough I'm thinking of going a bit back before the party starts to farming and upgrading the qualities of all vegetables (I have radishes on A and cabbages on C [really close to B]) so I won't have to worry about anything in the future altough if I can give some feedback I would be really good to have more farming space to plant more than just 1 vegetable at a time but I think next patch we'll get that since the MC already mentions it and hope we can have some hints as to how the quality system of the milk will work and birthdays those will be interesting. (Sorry I write too much but I just love this game so much and also thank you for replying to me even tho I'm just one in many :D)


Maybe in the future we can have more farming areas :D