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havent played in awhile, but im just here to say again that i love this game

oh and, i found a pretty good defense layout

ima see how far i can get, hopefully wave 100? gonna take awhile 

oh and, Valentine, are you gonna make any new games anytime soon? :3

internet stopped working so i couldnt send my message earlier 

but anyways

got to wave 55 befor getting bored and just stopping since the waves dont really get harder for some reason

well, they sent better tanks sometimes 

but the total number of enemies didnt really get high

the number of infantry plumeted after awhile, just mostly being armored stuff but they arent a problem for my defences

and also look at this, no man's land lmao

maybe playing sandbox would be more fun, ill go do that later

Haven't been active with my creator stuff in a while, but let me tell you, this comment means more to me than any commendation I have achieved in my day job in the last 7 years.

Also yes, not in this genre, but I have been mauling over some (3-4) ideas for a while and want to get (at least) one of them out of my system, one that I am passionate about and seems enclosed enough in scale. Been taking notes in my trusty checkered pocket notebook. I'll let you know when I have something concrete to show. :D