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I liked the music, characters were cute. The basic platforming controls were okay, to me the gravity was a little high and the characters a little too slippery. I liked the ideas for the platforming abilities, but it felt a little crowded ability wise I guess. I got stuck where the shift to run ability is introduced because it took ages to figure out you actually had to touch the “move forward arrow sign” to get the ability 👀 I still had to go the secret route with the ground pound to get past that section because jump didn’t always seem to respond right when dashing. From there it was mostly smooth sailing, though I kept dying to the waterfall down below the path to the bad ending, maybe you need something else first to do that?

I think the dash ability is just too powerful, and while wavedashing tricks and stuff are fun with it, i was surprised to see in your walkthrough video you also struggled to not die after that one dash, where the momentum just pushes you into that death wall. Of course, the problem with making a platformer is everyone has opinions on how they should or shouldn’t be :P

I will say the camera movement seemed a little jerky, especially having the background parallax vertically causing some motion sickness, and the bloom was blinding at times. Really wish you had gone with a different font, or sharpened the rendering on this one cause I also found it nearly impossible to read.

But otherwise it looked good, played good, had a lot of neat ideas, and was complete. A really solid entry to be proud of :D


for the waterfall yea you need the secret waterproof ability, thats also the path to the good ending, needing all 4 abilities, the bad ending happeneds if you skip it, yea the dash was kinda too fast, thanks for the feedback