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A decent submission, tight controls, some really neat visuals and decent difficulty progression (if a little too steep). Some more polish and this would be a game that could be put on a marketplace.

One thing you should consider is how the game is accessed. Is a zip file with a bunch of folders and files, which could be daunting for a hyper-casual audience, the best way to distribute your work? Next the difficulty progression could be a little slower, it reaches it's max difficulty fairly quickly. Next, you can break the top or bottom boundary by spamming the direction key, so some playtesting would have been nice to find bugs like this. Finally, two seperate keys would count as two seperate inputs, is this really a single control game? For mobile this could be a swipe up/down which would count, but what about PC?

All in all, a good submission with some oversights that once addressed in conjunction with some additional polish would be a marketable game. Nice work.