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A solid attempt at making a game that satisfies the requirements, visually appealing which potentially could act as a base for a really interesting art style. Having double jump instead of a controlled jump or a single fixed jump is an interesting choice, and one that opens up the opportunity for some unique level design. Linking assets used is very good, well done.

I feel like some more focus could have been made on making the platforming feel less awkward. For many jumps, the double jump is too far/high but the single sometimes isn't enough. The randomness is fine, but leaving level generation to pure RNG isn't a wise idea. A balance of controlled randomness would mean that the game feels unique every time you play whilst making jumping and platforming feel less weird. Next, ensure that your file names and submission names are consistent, otherwise it can look a bit sloppy. Finally, is the way you have exported the game the ideal method, or are there alternatives that you could have done?

Overall, I think that for your first game submission it is entirely serviceable and is a good foundation to build upon. Use what you have learned to make an even stronger product next time, good work!