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A solid submission that meets the requirements of the brief well. If you created the Robot sprite, well done because it is really decently made and animated. The branching courses was a nice thought which I feel could be expanded into something quite interesting. Lots of room to make a unique game here.

However, there are a few concerns that I have. First of which is regarding the manner in which you have exported the game, is a .zip file the best possible way to present this game to a hyper-casual audience. Secondly, which I think is a slight oversight on our part is the lack of a nice way of exiting the game. Alt-F4 isn't ideal, but is fine for this submission, so bear that in mind going forward. Next, I think that some feedback in terms of failure rather than just a hard reset would be more user friendly and add a layer of polish. Finally, some improvements to the visuals would go a long way to improving quality, even its it is primitive colours, but that might have been pushing what is within your scope.

All in all, this is an entirely serviceable game that has a lot of opportunities to improve and create something genuinely unique.  A good foundation to build from, but even just some polish would go a long way for this project. Good effort.