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I've only played the demo and I would already die for Leander, I don't care what he's hiding he's too pretty for me to care about his red flags sdfhsdf. Also Ais and Vere are so obviously into each other lmao, like get a room already and stop making us feel like the third wheel :')

I forgot to mention, but overall the plot (with the MC being able to have different backgrounds and abilities) is really interesting! The music and sound effects sound great, the sprites and CGs look stunning, but I kinda wish the backgrounds got a little bit more love as they seem a bit barebones to me, and the lack of depth and shadows clash quite a bit with how detailed the sprites are. Same with the UI. BUT this is just a demo, so I'm sure this will all be improved in the full version, overall I'm really excited to play this game once it comes out!