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oh yeah, I definitely wouldn't be bored in that situation! i guess that's the kind of situation where people team up to have someone do something you don't know how to do. i wonder if there are people who can write music, draw, and code to create a visual novel all by themselves? i admire them

thank you! you really do ease my worries in a way. i'll try to make a choice of pronouns, but you're right, I could leave just a gender neutral protagonist. or maybe just avoid any mention of protagonist pronouns :D

(ahhh thanks so much for your support :_D i was wondering if you also make visual novels or not? just a little curiosity!)

yayyy, a team of not native English speakers!:DDD high five!

thanks for the explanation, then I got it! I even had some unused idea that I can apply to this character... 

ahhh thanks again!!!! i don't know if you are studying or not, so i just wish you good luck in life and other stuff!

(honestly, it's a joy to interact with you in the comments. i don't want you to feel uncomfortable about it! your comments give me motivation to work and just lift my mood.).


(The page refreshed and the comment I was writing disappeared, oh my God. 🤬) 

I think you are lucky if you have people interested enough to join you in a project you want to realize, most indie developers don't have enough resources to afford a team, things they'll need and such because everything costs money and that's understandable. That's why I admire indie developers that work by themselves without any kind of help, that's something that should be looked up and support since they really need it! I know there's someone out there making a game by themselves, even the music! I can't name a single one but I wish them luck and lots of patience... 

That's the beauty of the English language, it has gender neutral terms and words that you can simply use when you don't want to describe or imply someone's gender. In my language, such thing doesn't exist, sadly. (No need to thank me. You really do need it and deserve it! Support and encouragement is what makes up keep going and keep trying! And no, I don't make (or work) making visual novels...i wasn't born with artistic charm or the patience to learn coding, I've heard that is quite simply but I'm the kind of person who easily gets frustrated and leaves something behind for a long try it once again, I've thought about making one! But that's just a silly fantasy of mine, I love writing though. Ive done some beta reading and that's all.) 

HIGH FIVE (○・▽・○)人(●・▽・●)ノ

THANK YOU! Right now, im not, my classes start this next Monday so your good wishes are appreciated! I'll need them. 

(WAAAAHH (๑•́ω•̀) Thank you once again! Nono, you never made me feel that way! So, don't worry about it, talking through itchio comments it's kinda awkward because it's something I've never done before, im more of a lurker who likes to play games rather than interact. ^^ It makes me really happy my comments motivate you, so the same goes to you then, you can talk to me anytime you want, i daily check my itchio account so don't fret!

(1 edit)



oh yeah, I have a lot of respect for people who are willing to work on things on their own!!!!!!! these people have REALLY great power in their hands, and their hard work deserves to be recognized (but for some reason it doesn't happen often D:). it's a shame that some people just don't have the opportunity to bring their ideas to life due to lack of experience or team. but I hope all creators will be able to realize their plans one day < 3


I totally agree, I too really miss gender neutral pronouns in my language, and English has it very conveniently arranged. so why not use it < D

I understand you!!!! i too used to quit very often and get frustrated, but this time for some reason i didn't..... well in any case that's okay, there's nothing wrong with that. AND i have a lot of respect for people who do writing!!! i'm sure your writing is very good! 

and I don't think you can call it a silly fantasy! it's very respectable, actually. maybe one day you'll even join some team that wants to make a visual novel? who knows

I hope your studies are easy and enjoyable. the most important thing is to give yourself a break and distract yourself once it's your free time.

i understand, i never did such things on either.... there's a first time for everything anyway! and yeah, you can also contact me - with any question or just to say hi haha. i'm planning to do another devlog soon, so we'll have a reason to discuss something (I have so many stuff that I want to show to players but they are all spoilers D: ugh)


(The page is too small on the mobile version and I'm really clumsy, that's all. </3 I kinda expected that to happen) 

Don't worry about it! Don't let our conversation interrupt any kind of chore you have to finish...or anything like that, just take your time. ^^ (EHHHH???? WHICH ONE???? I NEED TO KNOW because im current obsessed with one of, really....heavily.....morbidly obsessed with it, not kidding. If i think which one might be.......well, technically, has good endings. 🧐 And that's fine, that's completely okay! I recommend searching “Charisma House” if you want to see something funny and unhinged when you are sad or in need of some distraction. 😁 Your sins are forgiven, my dearest sinner!) 

Some get recognized but when a long time has passed, nothing wrong with it, getting recognized eventually is something beautiful but I wish that some people explored more types of genres and games and just don't stick to the big tittles. 

I wish and hope for every single creator to eventually have the luck of developing their own ideas and make it true. (^ω^)

(It's kind of easy when you have some knowledge on how music works and experience of playing certain instruments but it takes a lot of time and effort to make something like that, there are many factors to consider when doing that type of thing.) 

Ahhhh (´⊙ω⊙`) thank you! You are so kind! I doubt my writing skills a lot because english isn't my native language and it gets tricky and complex when you are writing something in a language you aren't fluent while studying it but I guess that's the beauty of learning, you make mistakes and learn from them.

Maybe (´^ω^`) Life is uncertain, you don't know how it might treat you, I don't doubt that but if I ever get to luck to do such thing, I'll have to pinch myself to make sure that I'm not dreaming or my delusions got the best of me, LOL.

Thank you!!!! UHHH WELL, learning about the human mind it is excitable and interesting but it can be a...hassle sometimes, I try not to stress too much, College has treated me kindly since this past year and this one, stress is my oldest close friend so now, I'm just trying to relax a little bit and take more care of myself. The same goes to you. q(❂‿❂)p

Okay 😈 Sorry if I suddenly disappears sometimes, consistency isn't my best buddy (/ω\) Nothing personal, im too messy!!!!! Ohhhhhhh??? Now, that's something I love to hear. 😙 I can't wait for the next devlog! (We'll wait, don't worry. If you don't want to spoil us that's fine but I'm not against a little sneak peek, follow your lead, not judging for it at all. 😌)

(2 edits)

the whole world is in shock from that, but today I answer in a couple minutes, not 100 years.... hi again! is it morning or evening in your country? i was wondering how different our timezones are.

I'll reply to your first comment right here because it's probably more convenient :D do you mind?


about "Zu has nothing to cover"... i could comment on it, but i won't. we're being family friendly here, right? um um um um. MMMM.  technically, yes, he doesn't have to cover anything, but... you know.... :_D

androids of the same model as Zu usually don't wear clothes because they can create them from their body, but some prefer to wear real human clothes made of fabric. androids of other models always wear clothes because their body is made as much like a human body as possible with all the human details.

(oh yeah, money. haha but hardly anyone would pay for a free game sadly)

now for the second message!

i'm talking about binary star hero. i'm completely ruined and destroyed, i loved the beginning SO MUCH but i was so desperate at the end (i got EVERY POSSIBLE BAD ENDING IN MY FIRST WALKTHROUGH lol, could only get a good one with a walkthrough guide (help I was so shocked))  (but I really did like it, the main love interest is like so awesome?!?!?!?!?!?)

ok i will look up Charisma House later!!! i'm ready to devour any datesim or any game, i'm hungry for it. give me mooooore oh the Internet (thank you holy person for forgiving my siiins...).

yeah it's true, sometimes i find really good stuff at the very bottom of the games page. i feel so sorry for them :( I try to leave good comments on unpopular stuff (not only on this site) because I think everyone deserves some attention

yeah, it's probably really easy once you learn how to make music, but I'm really in awe of those who have already gotten this skill :D people are so amazing, creativity is one of the most important things in our lives I think

do you write anything in your own language then? i think you can do much better in a comfortable language environment. english is of course a good language, but i'm not sure there are enough synonyms to describe things colorfully.... although I just haven't looked into it, I think it depends on the level of language skills

haha it would be great to participate in a project together one day :D but interacting with people is too scary lol. we'll see what happens in the future!

oh, you're a psychology student, am i right? if so, that's... wow, it must be really hard because it's a lot of work to delve into the depths of the human mind. but it's interesting!

(sometimes I just want to do nothing. getting a higher education in linguistics is probably the one of my biggest mistakes, so I plan to change it to design next year aaaah help)

maybe you should start practicing meditation..... I don't know how it works, but people seem to like it. although I'm not sure if it works... and in general, like Zu said, you should eat right, sleep right and control your vitamin levels :D

It's okay! I'm always happy to see your comments no matter when you reply! (I hope no one beats me up for posting devlogs so often LOL)

(1 edit)

unny you said that... You answered pretty early while I'm answering, now, after almost a week, lol... SORRY (◞‸◟ㆀ) Hello again, to you too ^^  Right now? It's night, the time? RIGHT NOW it's 01:49. Wish I could say more about me in here but considering that this is a comment section and everyone can read this well.... 😵‍💫

Ah, it's okay! I don't mind so, go on. (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Hehe, well I learned my lesson and now i write my reply in a different app so I don't have to worry about the page suddenly refreshing when i have to look a word, since I tend to forget how some words in English are written and after checking if I made any mistakes, I copy and paste everything I wrote to share it with you. ᕕ( ՞ ᗜ ՞ )ᕗ

Yes... I guess ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ Let's keep it toned down and as friendly as possible, rated E for “EVERYONE”. The vague response is making have so many thoughts and ideas that I will not share, nothing bad but it makes me think how social norms work for androids... Out of pocket, I know, I'm aware but a world where androids have the same rights as humans is interesting.

THEY CAN CREATE CLOTHES FROM THEIR BODIES??? WHAT!!!!!!! (°ロ°) !?  How lucky... 

Taking a look at Zu's design...makes sense, when you look at him you don't really think he is a human being in contrast with androids that were made to resemble humans as much as they could... The “uncanny valley” might be a factor...? I guess... We, humans, naturally feel threatened or uncomfortable with things that try to resemble humans in any way. 

(I try to financially support devs when they need it, I try to help those in need as much as I can and yes... People love free games but don't think or care about who was behind it, making it and publishing it for them to enjoy it.) 


OH. MY. GOD. (☝ ՞ਊ ՞)☝

WAHHHHH YOU PLAYED MY FAVORITE GAME EVER!!!! I'VE BEEN SO OBSESSED WITH THIS GAME SINCE IT CAME OUT LAST YEAR!!!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU FOR PLAYING IT AHHHH I really hope you liked it! (。ノω\。) And i HOPE YOU GET ALL THE ENDINGS HEHE. I haven't been the same since I played this game... It did something to me... So... Which character ended up being your favorite or the one you liked the most? (つㅅ・`)・゜ I'm obsessed with Double Vision... Like, really, really, deeply obsessed with him... 

Oh, I forgot to tell you what it was (」°ロ°)」 .... But I hope you enjoyed it... Nonetheless. 

I found some games that I've been meaning to play this weekend... I usually put the games I would recommend in my profile, it depends on the type of genre you like, too. But I LOVE dating sims and games that are silly or funny. I've seen that you played OLBA (Our Life: Beginnings and Always.) And that's my second favorite game ever, the first ithchio game i ever played... I have the wedding DLC and everything. 

That's kind of you ^^ I'm sure the devs of those games are grateful for some positive rating for their games since developing something for a long time, with your sweat, blood and love and posting it with high expectations can be a bit of a blow in anyone's confidence but no matter what, our confidence shouldn't be dictated by how many people like the things we create with much effort. Even if it hurts, it's not a reason to not keep trying. 

Boredom and curiosity is usually the thing that impulse us to learn things we never expected to get some knowledge of. 

Yes, I do! I don't remember if I said this but I tend to forget some words while writing in English, it's just a simple and honest mistake always because I have to form the sentence in my mind first to write it down after and while writing it my mind FORGETS some words while speaking in my native language... I make the same mistakes, lol. I like to write in English because even if it isn't my native language, it gave me the opportunity to connect with so many people I have never thought once in my life I could ever think engage with, English is a universal language after all but I love and feel more comfortable talking in my own language. I don't want to lose the opportunity of learning something in other language or missing the opportunity to get to know more people. 

Together? (°д°) I'm not against it, working in projects in general is scary for me but WORK HAS TO BE DONE!!!!!!! I hope you get the opportunity of working with more people, in the future, developing your ideas and scenarios. 

Not quite! My choice of career belongs to a branch of psychology! Every single human being is different, we might have some similarities but our minds is what distinguishes us from others. I love my career because i have a very personal reason for choosing it. But in general I'd like to help those who were in a similar situation like me. 

(I usually don't do...nothing when im not busy with work, college or life in general. Honestly? Good for you, I HAVE to pass the English class to graduate but I'll just take that class in my last year. I have subjects more important to care about than... English, lolololol. Good luck!!!!!! Don't waste any opportunity in getting better at something though... It could come handy in the future!) 

Thank your for caring and for the recommendation. (´O`) I appreciate it but sadly, meditation isn't for me! I have my own ways to cope but it's better for me to have a talk with a professional since there are so many options and activities that could help us to improve our lives! You wouldn't believe how many types of therapy exist. ᕦ( ᐛ )ᕡ I think I would make Zu have a short circuit or something since I don't do any of those things, I know, very contradictory but life has been kicking and flipping me around lately. 

Me too! (I don't and I hope no one else does 💀)

I'm so sorry for not replying for such a long time- I already think if I should make something like discord channel to contact with people qwq WELL NOW I'M THE ONE WHO REPLIED LIKE AGES AGO. I'M SO SORRY

and I'm sorry for the short reply, I'm speedrunning it because I can't dely it anymore ....

hello hello hello!

AGREE, I write my comments in different app as well, I guess it's the best option in our situation. 

you'll learn a bit more about androids in the magenta world in the full game. hope you'll like it! (OK OK RATING "E". not in the game though D:)

YESS THEY CAN CREATE STUFF FROM THEIR BODY. you know, their model can just... I don't know, make three arms (though they'll be a bit smaller because their body mass is not endless), maybe even some sort of wings (that won't work lol), like, anything they can think of. cool!

that's really a thing to be proud of! supporting devs and just other people is a good thing, you must be a really good person!

LKAJDSOFJODJGJ I CAN UNDERSTAND WHY YOU LIKE IT SO MUCH. I really liked it too BUT. BUT D: I need a big happy ending with wedding and dogs... okay lmao sorry. I me........ (sobbing sounds). I love the artstyle so much!!! I can understand that you like Double Vision!!!!! <3

OLBA is like one of the best thing happened to humanity, I'm planning to get that patreon dlcs but I can't do it now for one secret reason lolll

do you like the new game from OLBA devs?!?!?!??!? (I think I really do need to make a discord thing because I really want to talk but I can't do it too much here because I'm embarrassed lol)

that's really wise! English language really does connect people, after all, it's the reason why people played magenta lol- and I wish you sososo much luck and inspiration for your writing! and learning language also helps to improve our brain state ... I guess there are a lot of advantages

that's really interesting! I won't dig deeper STILL for the reason of privacy and chatting in the comment section but I'm still sure it's really cool. another thing to be proud of! and helping people... I just respect that. I think it's really hard?

(once a psychologist tried something weird and experimental with me that I didn't like but I guess it works with others...)

I wish you A TON OF LUCK with any stuff in your life! It all may be hard but yk there's always a bright side. I'm sorry again for making it too short but I just must speedrun it after such a big pause in itch io