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Hi vlightowelle!!! I can't tell you how much this means to me. 

I am genderfluid myself, and I deeply fear that picking a gender presentation for the deities means having to hypergender them one way or another. For that reason, I focused on still giving them some sense of androgyny, despite the differences between the versions. One disappointment I have in myself is tying gender presentation to their pronouns, however, which I want to rectify soon. I don't believe this currently reflects in their physical description except Ciocana, but perhaps I will make this more explicit by allowing the player to pick their pronouns and their presentation explicitly and separately! I am bisexual as well, and I personally love women who are non-conforming.

I am also blown away by your compliments with the writing!! It is indeed inspired more by some classical stories -- and while I am nowhere near their poetry and skill, it is what I admire and strive to achieve. More modern, casual writing is difficult for me.

But most of all, I am emotional about your comments on neurodivergency. My beta tester is my partner, and they have autism. They worked closely with me on this game, and I really worked hard to ensure that the wording of the choices was understandable, and that the offering of choices accommodated a wide range of personalities.

Please let me know your suggestions for hair and eye colors, as well as dialogue/action options! The first character creation scene is more down-to-earth as it is more your fathers looking at your appearance, but there is a second chance to change your looks with more fantastical colors!

And don't worry, this game will be free!! Your verbal support and continued patience will be the only thing I need to keep me going! 🤍

Again, thank you so much, vlightowlle. You don't know how much your words impact me deeply. ❤️❤️ 


it's no problem for the compliments, i enjoy writing long posts like these on games i like! and i really love the idea of allowing the player to pick the presentation,  it's something i've always wanted in a game, so if you do add that in any future updates, ill look forward to it! i'm genderfluid too, which is another reason why the gender presentation in this game effected me so much

and im sorry for missing over the second chance to change your appearance, i thought it'd have the same options before just incase you had doubts, so i skipped over it, but ill definitely check it out when i finish this playthrough and do a second one. for eye and hair colors, i've always liked the idea of deities having weird coloration, like multicolored eyes or just dots of colors that arent naturally occurring, and even changing the color of pupils and sclera if the deity is more non human, though this is probably due to my love for fae and biblically accurate angels, im sure it'd be really hard to do in an IF, so it's more of a comment than a real suggestion. for hair color, the main one i was missing during the original creation was pink, since that's what i went in wanting my character to have: im unsure if thats an option in the secondary creation already though, it probably is! i also hope for jewelry and accessories if that's not in the secondary creation (sorry if it is and im just naming off things that are already there! i wish i didnt skip over it,,)  ᓚᘏᗢ

for dialogue/action suggestions,  i dont have any specific ones, but some of my symptoms that i very rarely get to see used in any IF are sensory overloads, semi or non verbal moments where someone might have to speak for the mc (not including choices where the mc is just too shy),  non aggressive honesty/bluntness, rambling or over explaining things (again, in a non aggressive, genuine way), not understanding figurative language,  just generally stimming i dont think ive ever seen that in ANY game,  and hyperactivity without it being seen as childish. some of these ive already seen in choices, but i decided to put them all here regardless. i feel like a lot of these things in most IF's are either seen as childish, or always put in a rude way, which kind of hurts when i act like that but mean it kindly. 

i think thats all i have to say, but again, it's no problem! im glad you responded so fast and so positively, usually creators brush comments off, but im genuinely glad you took time to respond and address everything i said! IM ALSO VERY GLAD THE GAME WILL BE FREE, because im honestly very poor and was worried about that! again, i hope the development goes well!! i hope everything i said made sense, its a bit late for me and as you can tell from my previous comment, i have issues with overexplaining/rambling