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I absolutely loved this game, just got to say leviathan to bring out a full feature game that could easily sell on steam etc for free is brilliant, really shows that you not only love your craft but your dedicated because this was very well made and brilliant, i raged so much trying to get all endings, i think the only 2 things i wasn't fussed on was the stamina, felt this wasn't really a need for it and if your committing to it at least show a bar so we know when we will run out of stamina and the last act of the game, essentially repeating the 4 chapters before but slightly different with no checkpoints became a little tedious but i am an idiot and it took me a long time because i just kept dyeing over stupid things lol, but honestly the time and effort put in and the crisp on it also didn't come across one bug or glitch that's impressive well done and i cant wait to play more of your games!