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Thanks for playing again! I've been meaning to remake the ending level but haven't had the time to yet. Maybe a survival situation there too instead of the pillars, I don't really like them. They're probably invisible for you, which is a bug I thought I fixed. I'll look into it again.

You can dodge the mages' projectiles consistently, but you have to know how to first of course which isn't the easiest to learn in a roguelite of course. They're a lot easier to dodge in close range for example which'll seem pretty counter-intuitive. I'll look into making them fairer. But there are many ways to handle them!

His ability is pretty short so you won't get stuck in low movespeed too long but it's absolutely not set in stone. There's supposed to be more character specific powers too, right now Logan only has one.

That looks so much smoother to my current one, I had trouble getting the gif under 3 MB when I tried it ages ago. I'll definitely look into LICEcap to make it nicer like yours. Thank you.