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replying ten minutes before the voting ends.

I actually didn't know there was a velox formido planned and I learned it few hours after it opened, while I was at a party. When I saw the themes I just thought "why not do it" and didn't expect much, but I didn't realize what a challenge that would be to make a functioning game with zero hour of sleep in the body and with a class on Saturday morning (which feels illegal but isn't, by the way). I legit wanted to slap past me for deciding to join the jam on a whim but honestly it was just super fun trying to speedrun game making. 

The idea I had for the game actually just bloomed in my mind in the middle of that one Saturday morning class. I'm a biology major so I read articles and generally stuff about plants bc plants are kinda op but that's another thing, and I just thought of flower symbolism and I remembered reading something earlier that week about the phantom orchid and that's when I KNEW I had to do a game about that flower. And it so happened that it also fitted the trapped with someone and doomed by the narrative because since I'm kinda silly I just don't read the rules and I didn't realize I needed two themes for the game so thank you phantom orchid for being such a wonderful parasite 

I just did cephaustiniae because it was a fun challenge but I didn't expect people to actually enjoy it and I am honored about that :-)