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Looking good, glad to see the devegoing well. If you can also please sell the game on as well, I fell as having the game being sold on two platforms would give players more choice, and keeping the demo up is s nice. I wish you and your team the best, and hope you all are well.

Thank you very much! ^^
In that case, I'll consider the possibility of selling it on as well, though I think I'd wait until the game is 100% finished. Meanwhile, it'll release as an Early Access on Steam as soon as chapter 1 is ready (it'll have 3 chapters in total.)

I wish I had a team hahaha. I'd have been able to get work done faster ;w;

You shouldn't wait for the game to be completed to sell it in itch too. It's still a good place to get revenue, even if it's not ✨ Steam ✨. You just have to be extra clear that the game is still a work in progress and it only contains x amount of chapters as you progress. Like mentioned by someone else, you can have multiple files on the same page and in the same way, you should be able to update the game files just for those who paid. Anyways, keep up the good work.