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The game looks very good but can you add here what controller to use cause I just press some random key I get night visionand what key to open the doors if you even have to go inside and the sound of a gun sounded like a laser was being fired from a gun and this menu screen it was a bit difficult to find the right spot to start the game anyway I really wanna play again if you could little bit fix the game anyway best of luck and keep it up!

(2 edits)

1. No controller support, sorry, I'm too lazy. V for night vision on keyboard.

2. E to open doors on keyboard. Says so in the intro video as "Interact". Sorry if that was confusing. Also, there are some enemies indoors, so it is required to go inside.

3. The gun has a suppressor, that's why it sounds like that. Personally I think it's pretty clear, but sorry if it wasn't for you.

4. Just press "Play" in the menu to start, like most games.