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Heya, Evil Femboy! Cool game; thanks!

Coupla questions:

  1. Is the “Grow for Angela I” quest currently completable? I’ve started a new game and despite having the quest available and going to the Gym in the city after midday on the weekend, Angela never appears.
  2. Is it ever possible to outrun the security guards at the store? I thought if I increased my cardio I might be able to, but even with a cardio of 4, I can’t seem to do it
  3. Are you aware there’s a fun little floating point number bug with the stats? When increasing my cardio, it increased my strength a bit, such that my strength is currently 76.20000000000005/160.
(1 edit)

1. Yes, it's not complete, but you should be able to find her there
2. Nope, I haven't gotten around to do it yet since I wrote it back when the player didnt have any stats, but I'll do it eventually
3. Yeah, I'll round the numbers.
0.1.7 is mostly visuals though

Thanks! I did start a fresh game specifically to test the “Grow for Angela I” quest without success, so there may be a weird bug with the trigger. I’ll give it another shot though. Thanks again!