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I actually just popped in to let you know that A. The demo is brilliant! B. The price is beyond brilliant! C. Which in turn, makes you quite brilliant yourself there, handsome! And D. I’m going to get it now (I would actually much rather get it through “itchy-tasty”, but (long story longer) I don’t use credit cards, and I don’t even know if you can get gift cards for here? 

I was going to send you a message on steam, but there’s no point in using that crap factory for anything other than getting your games as quickly as possible, and getting TFO! I just end up getting enraged watching the good devs with games like yours getting buried under random 50¢ shovelware, then end up stop making games because nobody finds what they’re looking for (I have to go to either steamdb or steampeek to search for games because their search engines actually function, and WAY better than the company their site is based off of… How does that even make sense when Steam makes all the money?! Cheap bastards!😬👍