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Pretty fun survivor like, did my playthrough as the witch. decent amount of build variety. Charming art style. 

Keep it up!

Couple of issues.

>Gem drop rate seems a bit inconsistent, i would go minutes without any dropping only then for the spawn rate to go nutty. Maybe make every enemy drop a gem and increase the exp threshold to compensate. 

>Bug where the description at the bottom would not match the hovered power up box. Power up was health regen and it gave me the description for frost aura. May be worth pointing out that frost aura was in that slot before in the previous menu. 

>"random" is misspelled in the thunder power up

>The summoner at the end spawned miles away from me. 

Thank you for your observations, the gem drop rate is  made by chance, it's not fixed, so probably was bad luck, I will look on that and see if I can do something about it.