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(1 edit)

Some ideas to add to this game... 

1.Name your kits and let them grow up. 

2.Kill the leaders and deputies.

3.Become deputy or leader.

4.Can leave clan.

5.Go on patrols.

6.Create your own clan.

(Moss-shadow your my fav game creator and I love all of your games)

i love moss-shadows games too lol

Yeah, they are an amazing person.

The're like so detailed and if you didnt know she also an creator on scratch aswell, I always make games of warrior cats myself and always takes notes when I look inside. 

*he :)

There is a reason you can't kill the leaders and deputies but I wish I could kill the med cat thought. She's grumpy and she rejected me lol

(3 edits)

yea I wish I can kill Spottedstar she's so mean to me and that medicine dog he/she gets on my nerves AND AM I CONFUSED WOUDN'T THE MEDICINE DOG KILL SPOTTEDSTAR LOOK WHAT HAPPEND TO SWIFTPAW!!! I THINK THE SUNCLAN CATS HAVE A DEATHWISH APRRENTLY!!!!!!

{rest in peace swiftpaw you we're brave and would made a fine warrior}

the dog (xerus I beleive) is the med dog and shes mute and freindly