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A game of survival, battle, and monster breeding. · By Invader Incubus


A topic by Invader Incubus created Jan 05, 2024 Views: 874 Replies: 6
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Please mention any bugs you find or make suggestions. "Will you add X kink" is an exhaustive topic covered in the F9zone forum. YES, eventually, as a side story I likely will, BUT the main focus will be on human female X monsters, and breeding. 

can't download

(1 edit)

Okay, i see what you're going for here, although i kinda wish it hadn't taken me three hours to figure out how to do anything. I'm a big fan of complex games with lots of mechanics, and this certainly has some of that, but it could really use something - even a basic readme.txt - to guide players past the "lose to the first random encounter" phase. Unless they're supposed to lose their first fight in which case that is hilarious and i don't even mind(although i'm a cautious gamer so for me that meant run from the fight and try to explore as much of the world as possible without touching any tall grass, which took too long and wasn't a very good experience, 'specially since tree stumps don't look like they can be interacted with at first glance)

Developer (1 edit)

You're totally right. I assume to much that I am making the game for the people I speak to in forums, and they have figured so much of it out... The stumps will be mentioned by the first NPC I will add to the game soon, a robot who will be in the drop base. 

this game has a whole lot of potential! the most glaring issue i can see is that there is no indication of where to go or what to do when you start it up. I would suggest a simple "text tutorial" when you start a game that will give the player an idea of the important things they need to know, and when you have the game more fleshed out you can add more permanant NPCs or signes to give that info


Thanks I really appreciate that.

minor gripe but there seems to be no way to pick the unevolved mon that has GOOD genetics at the end of battle