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Chapter 2

The next morning. jasper woke up to the sound of birds chirping outside of the cave. he stretched his limbs and yawned,  feeling refreshed and ready to start a new day. as he looked around he saw his family still sleeping peacefully,  with Nova curled up next to their parents, her tiny chest rising and falling with each breath.

Quietly, Jasper slipped out of the cave, eager to explore the surrounding forest. He sniffed the air and picked up the scents of various animals, his instincts like a wolf guiding him through the wilderness. As he trotted along, he couldn't shake the memories of his conversation with Griffin and Dixon from the previous day.

Could it be possible that he and Griffin were once as close as brothers? The thought both excited and unnerved Jasper. He had always felt a sense of loneliness and longing for a pack of his own, and now, knowing that he had a connection to the alpha of the Dark Wood Pack, filled him with a newfound sense of belonging.

Lost in his thoughts, Jasper wandered deeper into the forest, his senses on high alert as he navigated through the trees and bushes. Suddenly, he heard a rustling in the bushes nearby. Instinctively, he crouched down low, ready to pounce on whatever creature dared to approach him.

To his surprise, a small rabbit hopped out from the bushes, its ears twitching nervously as it eyed Jasper warily. Jasper couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the timid creature. He had no intention of hunting it; instead, he decided to play a

little game of chase with the rabbit.

With a playful bark, Jasper leaped forward, sending the rabbit darting off into the underbrush. The chase was exhilarating, and Jasper felt a rush of excitement as he ran after the rabbit with all his speed and agility. Finally, after a few rounds of chasing, the rabbit managed to dart into a small burrow, escaping Jasper's playful clutches.

Feeling exhilarated and energized, Jasper trotted back to the cave, his chest puffed out with pride. As he entered, he saw his family awake and waiting for him, a warm smile on their faces.

"Where have you been, Jasper?" Storm asked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

"I was just exploring the forest and playing with a rabbit," Jasper replied, his tail wagging happily behind him.

"That's my son," Phoenix chuckled, ruffling Jasper's fur affectionately.

As they settled down for breakfast, Jasper couldn't shake off the feeling of excitement and anticipation bubbling inside him. He was eager to see what the future held, especially now that he knew he had a connection to the alpha of the Dark Wood Pack.

Little did Jasper know that his encounter with Griffin and Dixon was just the beginning of a series of adventures that would test his courage, loyalty, and ultimately lead him on a path to discover his true destiny. But for now, surrounded by his loving family, Jasper felt content and ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

DESTINY?! This is so good! Reminds me of Sliverstone's Destiny by moss-shadow (on Wattpad)

hey, Stormsong chapter 14 is out! (stormsong is about to unknowingly get an EVIL MATE)

Please, next chapter!

I'll give the entire Link in an hour ok.

It's been an hour lol. Well, 58 minutes haha

lol ok, here's the link to it so far :

(1 edit)

Wow that's great!


Slow your roll XD 1 I'm sick 2 my PC isn't restarted yet...