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Chapter 1

A howl was heard in the distance, his paws pounded against the earth as he was running. Ever since he was a pup jasper and his family have been on the run. Jasper was born a beta before his father was exiled from the pack for a crime, he DIDN'T commit, that is what is in Jasper’s mind anyway. He ran as fast as his paws carried him, he was carrying a deer he had “caught” last night as a surprise for his parents and his little sister nova. “Where is that little fleabag!?” a voice barked roughly. “When I catch him, I will kill him! That was my deer! that I caught, and he just snatched it from under my nose!!” another voice snarled. “Will you two stop, acting like pups?” one voice snapped above the other two’s voices. Jasper, who was hiding behind a tree. Perked his ears and heard the third voice sounded like a male, a young one at that, but by the sound of his voice, he was not a young pup, he was a sub-adult. And by the dominance he barked he was an alpha. Jasper peeked on the side of the tree and looked at the three wolves, the one who had called Jasper a fleabag, which he did NOT appreciate. The wolf looked to be a senior adult he was a big brown male with a blind eye and severely scarred muzzle, if looks could kill, jasper would be dead faster than he can blink just by looking at him. Then Jasper looked at the one who was angry at him for stealing their prey. He saw that the wolf was a light brown female, and she was a gamma, jasper then looked at the alpha male. He was a large white male with stunning blue eyes, with a prickling joy jasper realized the male was about the same age as him. He sighed; Not wanting to stay a second longer, Jasper grabbed the deer and dashed deeper into the forest, the blood in his paws pounded as he ran, dodging branches and borrows in his path, he twisted and turned dodging every obstacle. Then when he saw a cave and smelled his parents’ scent, he leaped and landed on his paws but slipped on the mud. He Perked his ears up as he heard a giggle, “oh dummy that was so mouse-brained” a voice said giggling. Jasper looked up to see his little sister Nova standing right near him. “Why don’t you try landing a leap without slipping for once?” Jasper chuckled. “Ya right as if I’d want to end up like you” she laughed, jasper smiled. nova was a white wolf pup with a brown muzzle and the cutest black tail and little brown paws, in jasper's opinion his little sister nova was the cutest pup in the world, nova like their mother storm. Is an omega, while their father phoenix, is an alpha. and by wolf law phoenix and storm were forbidden to mate, being young, and foolish, it was a rule that was disobeyed. And

so being the cranky elders, they were. the pack elders and other ranks decided to banish them AND the pups, because jasper and nova, technically were “bad blood” pups. And that meant that no other pack would want them even if they tried. “What are you two pups up to?” a soft yet deep voice asked. Jasper looked up to see his father standing above him. “Dad!” Jasper gasped then pushed himself to his paws. “that’s father to you young mister” phoenix said with a smirk. “Sorry, father” jasper nodded apologetically. “Oh, phoenix let the boy have a bit of fun” a sweet voice chuckled, jasper looked to the side to see his mother, storm walking up with a lamb in her jaws. “Mommy!” Nova exclaimed bouncing towards her with a wide smile and eyes full of pride. “So, can you explain to me why you were out all night?” Phoenix asked as he sat down and started to scratch behind his ear. “Oh um…” jasper chuckled nervously. “I was out. Hunting! ya hunting” he scuffled his paws uncomfortably. “Mhm yeah sure,” phoenix nodded in disbelief. “And what pray tell did you, ‘catch’ hm?” Jasper sighed, before his father was exiled phoenix always had spies in the forest, he had eyes and ears everywhere, and when he was exiled some of the wolves were still secretly loyal to him. “I stole a deer from Some wolves nearby. To surprise you all with dinner.” Storm and phoenix looked at each other with a smile. “Well, we thank you for trying to help Jasper but it’s not ok to steal from other wolves” storm said as she walked over and licked her son behind his ears. “Now where were those wolves you mentioned?” phoenix said getting up and shaking dirt from his pelt. Jasper flicked his tail then twisted his head behind him, “follow me” he barked, then without waiting, he thundered through the tree’s. “He is fast I better go, you two stay out of sight. And out of trouble” he said with a chuckle with a stern look at nova. “Ok then dear, run” storm smirked and pressed her muzzle to his and phoenix ran to catch up with his son. Phoenix panted out of breath as soon as he caught up with jasper. “Slow down son, I’m not as young as I used to be” he laughed. “Shhhh!!!” jasper snapped as he lowered himself to the ground. Phoenix looked towards where Jasper was and saw the three wolves sniffing around. “So, these are the wolves huh?” phoenix gave a slight snarl of disgust. “I know those wolves, but that alpha…he seems familiar but I’m not sure” jasper lifted himself up then walked towards the three wolves. “Son!! Get back here!!” phoenix snarled softly. “There you are! you mangy fleabag” the female barked. “Careful cocoa he might be tricking us into an ambush” the senior wolf growled sniffing the air. “Stop being such a worry wolf Dixon” the young alpha wolf approached with a sweet smile. “I

mean no harm” jasper said lifting his head slightly. “Oh, sure you don’t!!” cocoa snapped. “Nobody talks to my son that way” phoenix growled as he walked up behind his son from the bushes…cocoa tensed up, while Dixon looked with shock “Phoenix?!” Dixon exclaimed, as he stood stiff in the paws. “Guilty as charged.” Phoenix chuckled as he approached Dixon. “Oh, my stars it’s been years since I’ve seen you!” Dixon said as rubbed his cheek to his friend. “I can say the same about you, you’ve gotten old” he laughed cocoa was just slightly disgusted at this. “ha-ha very funny, you’re not so young either fur-brain” Dixon grinned. “Wait, you two are friends?!” cocoa gave a yelp of disbelief. “Friends is a bit too low” phoenix said laughing. “We think of each other as brothers” Dixon said as he sat next to phoenix. “Allow me to introduce you to my friends” Dixon smiled, “this is cocoa, she is the female gamma of our pack.” Cocoa nodded and sat down confidently. “Cheerful, isn’t she?” Phoenix snickered Dixon stifled a laugh and nodded. “Watch it old man!!!” cocoa snarled unsheathing her claws and her tail tip flickered. “You step one paw wrong and I tear your limbs off” jasper growled. “ha-ha! That’s my son!” phoenix laughed. “he’s nothing but an omega” cocoa snickered. “I am a beta, so you better know your place…gamma” jasper growled stepping closer to the she-wolf until he was towering over her. “Calm down you two, let’s not tear each other’s fur off here” jasper looked to see the young alpha male sitting on a rock, his fur smooth and groomed, and his eyes glinting with slight mischief. “Allow me to introduce myself.” The male gave a gentle smirk as he walked off the rock. His fur seemed to turn silver in the sunlight. “My name is griffin; I am the alpha of the dark wood pack” he said sitting down he turned his head to rest his eyes on jasper. “Who are you?” jasper was about to speak when his father phoenix interrupted “Griffin? Ha! No wonder I didn’t recognize you, you were just a pup when I last saw you.” Phoenix smiled. Jasper whirled around to stare at his father. “You were the alpha of the DARK WOOD PACK before you were exiled?!” Jasper howled with disbelief and amazement. “Shhhh!!!” Griffin growled softly as he slapped his tail on jaspers muzzle to quiet him. A light pink dust spread across jaspers muzzle. But he shook the feeling away and Jasper moved his muzzle flicking griffin’s tail away. “what’s the big deal?” Jasper asked with a slight growl in his tone. Griffin turned on him, his blue eyes flickering with slight worry and anger. “If you keep barking like that, you’ll attract unwanted attention.” Without thinking Jasper just nodded. “When you were pups you two were inseparable. You’d do everything together” phoenix said laughing with a smile at the two young males.

Jasper and Griffin looked at each other, then back at phoenix. “We knew each other?” Jasper echoed mystified; phoenix nodded to his son. Then Dixon spoke with a slight sadden tone “I remember how heartbroken you two were when you and your father were exiled.” Dixon said. “Griffin couldn’t stop crying for days” phoenix nodded then spoke himself. “And jasper wouldn’t come out of his den once we found a home” phoenix stared at the two males as they were staring at him and Dixon their eyes full as moons. “Can we hear more?” Jasper asked with a swift glance at Griffin. Phoenix laughed and nodded. The two settled down, their tails touching, and looked at phoenix and listened to their past as pups. The entire rest of the day was filled with stories and jokes of their childhood, a few tears here and there as well.

Griffin is a really cool name, and Phoenix too... (but those are the mythical creatures of "twolegs" and wolves might not know about them)

they don't know that lol their just names XD