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agreed i personally cant wait to see how superhuman ends not to mention weirdworld has already stated he plans to make a sequel to superhuman as well as 4 more currently unnamed games (a vampire game, a necromancer game, a demon game, and a sorcerer game) i am looking forward to all 5 of those future games and finding out if any of them r interconnected or if they all take place in completely separate worlds 


I'm really curious to see how either planned games could fit in the superhuman-verse. I think either the sorcerer or necromancer can fit quite nicely in superhuman, although idk if it'll be a spinoff or some type of prequel (imagine the mc in necromancer being a chosen of the Lord of Dark for example :O)


well i mean nyx is basically a necromancer so we know that is possible and duncan even as only a level 3 wielded 4 different elemental abilities so there r powers versatile enough to be mistaken for magic and as far as the vampire and demon go we already have several monsters from various mythologies as monsters in superhuman some examples being the harpy and the gorgon so it is still possible for certain superhumans to be mistaken for a vampire or a demon (especially given the way malik looks) so they could still be in the same world just different times