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I need some more ideas for chapter 2 so PLEASE help meee 

Chapter 2 unlikely alliances

As Mia walked through the graveyard with her spiked bat as a weapon, she flinched at every sound as she walked through the graveyard she gasped as she heard a groan behind her, she spun around and saw a zombie coming towards her, she ran at it then slammed the spike bat across its head, soaking her bats spikes in blood, and blood had splattered on her shirt and face a bit, “need a hand?” Mia spun back around as she saw a guy about her age, “Who the hell are you?” Mia asked, holding her bat defensively.

The guy held up his hands in surrender, “I’m just trying to survive, like you. My name is Jake.”

Mia eyed him suspiciously, but she could see the fear and desperation in his eyes. Reluctantly, she lowered her bat, “Fine. But don’t try anything funny.”

Jake nodded, “Deal. Let’s stick together, it’s safer that way.” Mia couldn’t help but glance at jake suspiciously every few seconds. Jake saw this and just flashed her a smug smirk. “don’t be so stiff baby doll…” jake said with a teasing tone to Mia as he shot his shotgun at a zombie. “shut up, we’re in a zombie apocalypse, not a dating game” Mia scoffed as she swung her bat at a few zombies as if her bat was a boomerang. 

Jake just chuckled, “Hey, a little humor can’t hurt, right?” Mia rolled her eyes, but she couldn’t help but feel a small sense of relief having someone else by her side. As they cleared out a horde of zombies, they started raiding the graveyard for supplies and items and they found food and water, and clothes and then mia turned her head to jake and spoke with a harsh and not very trustworthy tone, this is a zombie apocalypse, so who CAN she trust? “now that we have supplies, we should go our separate ways….” jake looked at her with somber sympathetic eyes. “but we are partners are we-” jake was cut off by mia yelling with anger in his face “we are not PARTNERS jake! we are in a zombie apocalypse for gods sake we dont know who to trust!!”

Jake looked taken aback by Mia's outburst, but he could understand her fear and distrust. He sighed, “You're right. It's every man for himself out here. But I saved your ass back there, so I guess we owe each other one.”

Mia hesitated, but she knew he was right. They were stronger together than they were alone. She reluctantly nodded, “Fine. We can stick together for now. But don’t think this makes us friends.”

Jake smirked, “Oh, I wouldn’t dream of it, baby doll.”

Despite her reservations, Mia couldn't help but let out a small laugh and muttered with breathless laughter. “oh shut up, you rat.” jake rolls his eyes with a smirk “oh ha-ha very funny.” Maybe unlikely alliances were what they needed to survive in this harsh new world.  

mmm I like it! (here's some advice: maybe there can be a nice zombie or two! "unlikely alliances", right?)

oooooooo good idea!!

gtg, I'm watching the flash with my grandma