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here's my zombie apocalypse so far.  

Chapter 1 The Beginning of the End

It was a seemingly normal Monday at Maplewood Middle School. The bell had just rung for lunch, and students poured out of classrooms laughing and chatting with their friends. But as 14-year-old Mia made her way to the cafeteria, she noticed something strange happening outside.

A crowd of people were gathered on the football field, shouting, and running in panic. Mia's heart raced as she pushed her way through the crowd to see what was going on. What she saw would haunt her forever.

Zombies. Groaning and stumbling, with decaying flesh and vacant eyes, were terrorizing the schoolyard. Students and teachers screamed as they tried to escape, but it was chaos. As the zombies were ripping into people’s flesh even as they tried to run, there was no escape.

Mia's mind raced as she tried to make sense of what was happening. How could this be real? Zombies were the stuff of movies and nightmares, not a terrifying reality right in front of her.

With no time to waste, Mia knew she had to find safety. She remembered her classmates mentioning a few places that might provide sanctuary in the event of a disaster like this. The police station, an abandoned hospital, and an abandoned graveyard were all potential locations where she might find shelter from the undead horde. SOMEHOW even a GRAVEYARD was safe, but she didn’t question it…she just ran…ran for her life.

As Mia ran towards the nearest building, the police station, she could hear the screams and growls of the zombies getting closer. She reached the entrance and pulled hard on the heavy door, banging on it desperately for someone to let her in.

But there was no answer. The police station was deserted, and Mia's heart sank. She quickly realized that she would have to find another place to hide from the zombies.

With a new sense of urgency, Mia sprinted towards the abandoned hospital on the outskirts of town. The tall, dark building loomed ominously in front of her, and she hesitated for a moment before pushing open the rusted doors.

Inside, the hospital was a mess of broken equipment and debris. Mia cautiously made her way through the dark halls, her heart pounding with fear. Every creak and shuffle made her jump, but she knew she had to keep moving if she wanted to survive.

After what felt like hours of searching, Mia finally found a small room with a sturdy door that she could lock behind her. She collapsed onto the dusty floor, catching her breath, and trying to calm her racing thoughts.

As she sat there in the dim light, this couldn’t be real! This just can’t I I must have fallen asleep during class! THIS JUST CANT BE! Mia screamed in her mind as she remembered what happened just earlier today, then  Mia's mind drifted to the abandoned graveyard that lay just beyond the hospital grounds. She shuddered at the thought of venturing into such a creepy place, but she knew it might be her only chance at finding a way to escape the zombie apocalypse.

With a deep breath, Mia steeled herself and made a plan. She would wait until nightfall, then venture out into the graveyard to see if there were any clues or resources that could help her survive.

But as darkness fell and Mia crept through the crumbling tombstones, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching her. The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end, and a chill ran down her spine as she realized that the dead were not the only dangers lurking in the shadows.



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