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Hihi! Monty here
This game is really good so far but I wanna write down errors I've come across

first, something small I noticed is that when you wanna hover over choices for sending a message in chat it always flicks to the sometimes it'll go follow the mouse or the arrow keys up but it'll still go back down to the bottom, But it still lets you choose the answer you want!! it can just be confusing visually!

So about the second time he calls us ( the one after he tells stream telling chat about him being in a snowstorm ) there is a missing voice line for "What about your Stream Time?" (At least for me)  and the text "I'd like to know you this much as your Partner" Repeats twice like right after it

That's all the things I noticed while playing this my first time around, it's still pretty good.

Keep up the good work Dev team! 
