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Chapter 3

Moth gave a sigh of pride as she was watching her apprentice, wolf has been progressing miraculously. His hunting skills were amazing, moth gazed into the open as she was watching wolf playing with his siblings. Raven was dashing and dodging flames claws and wolf was chasing flame practicing his speed it seemed, she got to her paws and went over to the fresh kill pile it seemed to be low, maybe I should gather a hunting patrol. She thought to herself, she grabbed a squirrel then walked over where the siblings were and sat down and used her claw to rip off the fur of it then sunk her teeth taking a bite. She then looked over to see her brothers snake and ice chattering, she shrugged then looked around the crowd of cats for her sister, hawk. Then she spotted her, the chief guard was talking with the leader of the tribe, echoing whispers. Moth had always thought those two she-cats seemed to have a strange but strong bond. She pushed away the intrusive thoughts and focused on wolf, he was showing great promise, and she was determined to help him become the best hunter he could be.

As the sun began to set, Moth called for a hunting patrol to restock the fresh kill pile. Wolf eagerly volunteered to join, along with Flame and Snow. Another young she-cat, formally from pantherclan They set off into the area for hunting patrol,

Moth watched them go, a sense of pride swelling in her chest. Her apprentice was on his way to becoming a skilled hunter, and she knew that she had played a part in helping him achieve that goal. She settled down to eat the rest of her squirrel, content with the knowledge that she was doing her part to ensure the survival of the tribe.

As they came back moth was amazed by their catch, wolf had a hawk on his back and two mice dangling from his jaws, while flame had a big vole clamped in her

jaw, while snow was carrying a rabbit. “Well done you all!” moth purred happily “now let’s place that all in that into the prey pile and you all can rest ok?” she looked at the three apprentices “ok!” They all said in unison then padded away. Moth searched the clearing and she saw her brothers snake and ice eating together, so she happily scampered over to them. “Hi boys!” she smirked slapping snake on the back of her head with her tail “hey watch it!!” snake hissed baring his teeth “jeez what’s under your fur lately snake?” ice muttered with a scoff, moth arched an eyebrow as she saw her brother tense up. “Er, nothing just leave me alone!” snake growled smoothing his fur to hide the tension he felt. Moth sighed as she sat up and walked away, she knew snake was hiding something, she just didn’t know what…but she WILL find out…soon. As she drifted off to sleep, Moth couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her chest. She knew that something was not right within the tribe, and she was determined to uncover the truth, no matter what it may be. But for now, she would rest and prepare for the challenges that tomorrow may bring. The next morning, Moth woke up determined to get to the bottom of her brother's strange behavior. She approached Snake and Ice, who were now sitting together by the waterhole, their usual playful banter replaced by a tense silence. "Snake, what's going on with you?" Moth asked, her eyes narrowing as she studied her brother's face. Snake looked away, avoiding her gaze.

"It's nothing, Moth. Just drop it," he mumbled, clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. Ice shot Moth a knowing look, his expression somber.

"Snake, you know you can tell us anything. We're your siblings, we're here for you," Moth persisted, reaching out to place a comforting paw on Snake's shoulder.

Snake hesitated for a moment before finally speaking, his voice barely above a whisper. "I...I made a mistake. A big mistake. And I don't know how to fix it."

Moth's heart sank as she realized the seriousness of the situation. She exchanged a worried glance with Ice before turning back to Snake, determination blazing in her eyes.

"We'll figure this out together, Snake. Whatever it is, we'll face it as a family," Moth reassured him, her voice firm and unwavering.

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