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Chapter 9

Today was the day that more warriors would sleep in the apprentice's den. After Stonefur had been made a warrior I was the only one in the apprentice's den and I was looking forward to not sleeping alone. The three warriors arrived in the apprentice's den. “Wow it is SO much smaller than when I was an apprentice!” said Dustfur “That's because YOU were smaller silly” meowed Snowfur “Well we have a long day of training tomorrow Moonpaw so let's get some sleep” I curled up in my nest and wated. “Ugh, why can't I sleep” I heard Sweetfur growl. “I can't either,” I said and went to sit beside her. “Hey,” she meowed “Hi,” I said. ‘OH MOUSE DUNG I FORGOT THAT I'M ON NIGHT WATCH!” she yelled “SUSHHH! You will wake them up! They are so cute sleeping together” I said “Yeah” she replied. “ Can I come on night watch?” “Shure even though you are only an APPRENTICE” she meowed “Ha I'm just as..old as… as...YOU!” We settled down on night watch. “Wow” I exclaimed, “it's beautiful out here at night!” “Yeah I thought the same…” she replied. Then suddenly I fell onto Sweetfur “Uh SORRY for falling for you,” I said quickly “WHAT!!” I realized what I said. “AAA I….mm so sorry FOR falling you ON!” “HUH?” she said confusingly AGH IM S…..ORR... I'M SORRY FOR FALLING ON YOU!” I finally said. “ Wow, you're so ridiculous it's FUNNY!” she meowed “y..eahh” I meowed back and we sat in the moonlight for the rest of the night.

(1 edit)

Nice!, LOL me totally not laughing at the fact that the main character's name is Moon paw. and then look at my profile

Lol "Uh SORRY for falling for you," that is funny
