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Chapter 9

“No no no no!” “Keep your tail ABOVE the ground when you're hunting!”  Sweetfur sighed “I really don't know how you're better at fighting than some warriors but you're THIS bad at hunting! “I…er..uh “ “You have caught almost no prey” “I still can't believe Redstar picked ME to be your mentor. He is really losing his mind!” she sighed again. “Well..uh..u..ur.uh a great..mentor..s…so...o..farr..uhh” “Thanks” she meowed in relief. “Well let's try some more battle moves you never know when a fox might come” “Okay” I meowed. When we arrived back at camp Redstar called a clan meeting “LET ALL CATS OLD ENOUGH TO CATCH THEIR OWN PREY” he yelled. “The warrior's den is getting full!” “We need a few warriors to sleep in the apprentice's den” “We have lots of space in there” “I will” Said Sweetfur “I can too!” said a tom named Snowfur “I will!” meowed Dustfur “I CAN T-” Smalltail got cut off “Its ok I think we have enough cats” said Redstar with a hint of amusement “THIS MEETING IS DISMISED!” he flicked his tail and padded down the rock to his den. After the clan meeting, I told Sweetfur that i needed to get some fresh air. I decided to go to Spots house. He had been asking for a weekly report on my week in the clan he said he wanted to know if everything was going good. “Ah hello, Moonpaw” He meowed “Or is it something else now? Like Moonclaw you were always a natural fighter!” he smirked “No spot! I have only been training for a bit over a moon!” I exclaimed. “Well, your mentor seems…nice” spot meowed. “Yeah… she is deputy so she is pretty cool,” I replied. “It's still strange that Your leader…uh what's his name…? OH, Redstar yeah picked her to be your mentor he could have picked an older warrior but whatever I don't care. He hissed “Have you earned their trust yet? They need to trust you so you can take over the clan.” “You should try to find a way to make them turn against each other…” I started to get really uncomfortable so I blurted out “I really need to go now! They will get suspicious!”  “ok keep thinking about it and try to earn their trust. Spot narowed his eyes “Remember we are doing this for your father” “y..ea now I REALLY need to go” “Bye” he meowed. I rushed out of there as fast as I could. I don't know why but I have a really weird feeling about Spot.