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the prologue in my story. Right now this is called dragonstars journey but that name is subject to change


Redfur was worried. Goldenlight said it would be fine, that it’s completely normal to have pains the day before having kits but she was still worried. “What if they get sick!” Redfur said “what if I get hurt and can’t take care of them!” She bombarded goldenlight with my concerns. “They will be fine,you will be fine evryone will be fine” goldenlight said though redfur didint believe her. Redfur tried to lay down for the night, maybe sleep before her kits came. “You will be fine” said diamondreaper a she cat that had given birth to one kit, bluekit just that morning “I’m just worried if something happed to me, like something happened to my mom” diamondreaper continued. It was common knowledge in the clan that diamondreapers mom was killed by a bagger shortly after kitting and she probably wanted to be there for her kits. Redfur fell asleep and found herself in the same forest she allways dreamed of. “Deap breaths you are going to be fine” a mysterious voice said. “Is that a prophecy?” Redfur asked. “Opp you weren’t supposed to hear that” the voice said “but I am here to give you a prophecy” redfur paused for a moment. She knew that voice “nightpaw! She yelled out loud, I’m sorry I wasn’t there, that I was looking the other way, you were my apprentice I was supposed to watch you, especially during your warrior assessment!” Redfur exclaimed. “No one could have seen the fox coming” said nightpaw. “Anyways, with a feather of flame phenoxfeather will heal more than can be broken, and the clans will survive great power, under the wing of Dragonstar” “thank you nightpaw” redfur said as she began to wake up. There were two beautiful kits laying there at her waist. “You slept through the birth” goldenlight said “you have two healthy kits, a she kit and a Tom”. Redfur instantly knew witch was witch. “The Tom will be phoenixkit and the she cat, she will be called Dragonkit”

name idea! Dragonstars fate       dragonstars density     dragonstars hope

Dragonstar's Flurry

It’s super good Bty
