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This was a very cool concept, wish it got more polish. It was clear that the puzzles wanted you to get the ball to the line, but there were confusing moments as well:

1. It is unclear that you can rotate the "wind emitters" by standing nearby and right-clicking. I only discovered that it is possible when I accidentally moved next to one, and for a time thought that only some of them could be rotated before realizing that I have to stay nearby. And yes, I read the instructions, but I didn't understand what it meant by "objects" - balls?

2. The vampires running at you seem to be spawning from random direction, and have random lifetime in the light. So if I stay next to the edge of the light cone, I risk being jumped and instantly killed, but if I stay near the middle, there's always a vampire that would be able to cross 2/3 of the light cone and chase me into a corner, where the next vampire would be able to catch me.

3. The story text is small and hard to read.

4. On-site instructions have typos, and mention ZQSD controls - that confused me for a sec, as in English space the usual keyboard layout is QWERTY, and controls which you described as ZQSD are WASD on my end. But WASD actually works as well, so no issue there.

Hope this feedback helps in your future projects.

Wow thank you very for your time, the feedback is very appreciated !

We lacked a bit of time and motivation at the end of the jam to polish every thing so your points are pretty accurate.