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Would you mind sharing a video of you playing the game? Just to make sure you are not facing a bug.
Or maybe difficulty does need to be optimized. After all we have been practicing the game for a month and can't really judge it fairly. But seeing someone else play it will help greatly.

That said try the very first rat. Its rhythm pattern is the simplest and 1000hp should let you practice the game. If you missed the stick item, it is in the crime scene near the start of the game.


probably no need, i came back to the game after a few hours and was able to finish the entire thing with an accuracy of around 95% :) its a good level of challenge, i just overlooked how important precision would be. this game is really fun tbh, you all did an incredible job fully fleshing out the story + making an addicting gameplay loop ^_^

Thanks. That means a lot :)