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Hi, Caribdis I'm back again, lol

Anyways the update is good as always and I'm curious about something how would you fit everything in the last 3 updates? Like there is a lot of content needed for a good ending in eternum and from what I know I think you're gonna end it on ver 1.0 so idk how you'll cover up that many questions in 3 updates only.

And I've also noticed a lot of things after re playing the games for like 5 times now like why Luna can't see Orion's future or why Orion has 100% compatibility why is chop-chop always around helping our mc and the syndicate stuff, so like I have my hypothesis and shit but no I won't reveal them just yet, maybe I'm wrong but, maybe I'm also right.

Well that's about it, I'm sad that Orion became arrogant as what Idriel said yeah he got a severe case of mc syndrome and I hope he's revival won't be as cliche as other novels. That's all Caribdis thanks for the update, Zaien out


(1 edit) (+1)

The man already said that the game will go beyond 10 updates, with his latest estimate being 12 to 14 total.



Oh really? Damn