Thank you for your comment. As you requested smaller-sized images, we have added low-resolution versions of enemy images and background images to this product.
We tried reducing the resolution as much as possible, but when lowering the image quality to match RPG Maker MZ's default resolution, the images significantly degraded, so we kept the reduction rate to about 57%.
To align with these reduced-size enemy images, it seems necessary to adjust RPG Maker's play resolution to 1920×1080. The attached image is a screenshot of RPG Maker MZ's test play at 1920×1080 resolution. This resolution is quite high for RPG Maker, and adjustments may be needed for actor display and other aspects. The fourth actor in the screenshot is displayed at the default size, appearing considerably smaller, so the other three actors are enlarged by double to match the high resolution. However, if we further reduce the enemy images to match RPG Maker MZ's resolution too closely, it could significantly degrade the image quality and compromise the value of the product. Therefore, we've limited the reduction to this extent.
If you still desire further reduction, you may need to use methods that tolerate image degradation or use plugins for MZ to resize and display enemy images individually.
Regarding actor sprites, they are not included in this package, which contains only enemy images and background images. We apologize for any inconvenience.
While we may not have fully met your requirements, we appreciate your continued support and patronage.