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Visually, this game is stunning. Each of the angels are unique and interesting to look at. The settings of the buildings and boss fight arenas feel very unique yet cohesive. And stylistically, I love the faded color palettes and pixelated designs.

I like the intent of the game design as well. The base mechanics of dashing into the rings with some platforming is a fun concept. However, with the difficult-to-control movements with jumping and dashing, some bigger hitboxes would have made some of the boss fights more playable for someone who isn't used to platforming in this perspective and style.

My biggest confusion was that it was sort of unreadable as a new player what I was supposed to be doing. There are a lot of locked doors and it isn't explained how I should defeat the angels (I thought I was being put in a two minute time out at first). I went into the "rebind controls" settings before I could guess what was actually going on. 

Overall though, this is a great game concept and design with phenomenal artistic drive and cohesion!