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(1 edit)

Thank you to all of you for your kind comments and for playing my game <3

For those of you who mentioned the art, I think i should say they are just pictures I took of a actual whiteboard and then photoshopped out. I wanted to do it for the numbers as well, but I'm bad at art and I pivoted to this style at midnight the night before due date, so I just wasn't able to get whiteboard style numbers I was happy with so that they matched up with the grid and didn't look weird.

I think I'm going to do a post jam version since I still have ideas for things to do, such as better balancing, different weapons, audio improvements, and listening to your guys's art advice. One thing I really want to do is that I had actually coded the gun so that I could change the variables on a whim, such as the: reload speed, fire rate, bullet bounces, give the player custom shooting patterns such as the X, ect... I wanted to give the numbers randomized attributes to effect these but I ran out of time to implement that.

Overall this jam was really fun and I hope you all enjoy/enjoyed this game <3