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Some sort of bug where I couldn't put down a second item? not too sure It's in my livestream for you to check out! WONDERFUL Game AND SUPER ADDICTING, does it have an ending? Or can I consider level 10 the end?
Day 8 glitched out for me and I can't pick things up! To be honest I think I broke the game, but not sure. Still had super fun!


Super weird, I didn't have long to playtest before submission so I'm sure there's a lot of weird bugs lol. I'll have to check it out and see what happens, but this was a first for me trying to make any of this so I'm almost 99% sure the loop gets messed up at some point. Supposedly it should just go on forever. 

Oh amazing! Well congrats on what you did, super fun. I'll consider 10 the speedrun! hahah thanks