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alright heres the second book!!!!!! echoing silence, book 2: silent song. chapter 1: 

It had been many moons since echo and her friends had begun there journey past the clans, “we should stop and rest” hawkpaw now hawk, muttered as she sat down. “We need to keep going!” snake growled “I can smell a fox” ice nodded to his brother, and moth looked at echo expectingly. Echo sighed “I agree with hawk, we need rest, but I also agree with you snake, I smell the fox as well” she mewed looking at the tom as he started to bristle but then his fur laid flat. “I suggest we find a cave or an old fox or badger den” moth meowed suggesting, echo perked up with a purr. “Yes, and we’ll need prey for each of us then tomorrow we will start moving again” echo looked up at the sky, the sun begun turning the sky a scarlet blood red, as the sun started to set. “Look! Over there!” hawk yowled with pride as she came dashing to an old badger set. The five cats all purred with joy, echo rushed over to hawk and pressed her muzzle to hers. Hawk looked at echo with eyes full of pride, ice gave a gentle purr. “Finally, she’s opening up to somebody.” Moth murmured to her brothers, and they nodded. The stars glowed in the night sky as snake, hawk, and ice came back from hunting. Moth and echo were talking about plans for the tribe, echo was grooming her fur sleek smooth listening to moth’s ideas. “So, I’m thinking that for the ranks, every cat as old as 6 moons and older should be called trainee’s and the cats older than that, we should have warrior’s, guards, and hunters.” Echo looked at moth her eyes full of thought. “I like it” ice padded up with a vole in his jaws, and he dropped it at his sister’s paws. “For you moth” he smiled then walked over and grabbed a rabbit eating it. Echo perked up her ears as she heard a rustling in the grass. Snake unsheathed his claws, his hackles starting to rise. Echo looked at snake with calm eyes. Ice leaped onto the rock of the cave, and he gave a yowl as he saw cats coming “it looks like it 4 toms, a she-cat and 3 kits” he told echo, “Kits?! Out here?!” echo yowled her voice edged with worry, as she looked at the snow under her paws. “they’ll freeze without food!!” hawk yowled as she raced towards the strange cats. “Wait!” snake snarled stopping his sister, “move snake!” hawk hissed aiming a paw at her brother. Snake dodged her paw and growled. “We don’t know if these cats are a threat or not hawk!” echo dashed in front of them and growled. “Enough! Snake, think we need cats, yes? I think we should be kind and help these cats, and offer them shelter, they will think of joining us” snake hesitated then nodded. Echo looked at hawk and ice, “you two come with me to greet the cats” she then looked at moth and snake “you two guard the cave” they all nodded. echo, hawk, and ice all stalked through the grass towards the cats. Echo saw that one tom was a ginger tabby, and another was a long-haired grey tom, she then saw a black and white one with a scarred muzzle that gave away his age. And then she looked at a black tom her eyes widen with horror as the tom looked hauntingly familiar, she was desperately searching her mind then she remembered those toms 

were firepaw, greypaw, and her father…shadowstrike, ice looked at the she-cat she was a deep brown tabby with white paws. Echo took a deep shaky breath and padded through the grass getting closer to listen to them. “Greyvine, I need to rest” the elder tom croaked. the ginger tom looked back to the elder “we need to keep going sootwhisker.” Sootwhisker glared at the tom, “I said I need rest fireblaze! My paws are aching!” sootwhisker hissed his hackles starting to rise. “My kits need rest as well, shadowstrike could we hunt? We all need food” the she-cat looked at shadowstrike. “of course, crowsong” the tom mewed with a soothing silky tone; echo hissed with disgust “he’s faking the kindness” she growled through gritted teeth. Hawk pressed her pelt to echo’s to calm her. “We should stay as calm as possible; we don’t know what their capable of” hawk whispered soothingly “I know what shadowstrike is capable of” echo snarled “I’ll take care of him”