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HERE WE GO! Constructive criticism is wanted :D  

Chapter One: Who? 

“Finally, you woke up!” I heard Rori say as I lifted my head from my desk. “Yeah, yeah.” I mumbled under my breath. As I reached into my bag to grab a piece of gum, I had found an old note from my mom saying “Hey dear! I hope you’re having a good day so far. I forgot to pack your lunch though… so sorry! – Mom.” I smiled as I remember when I had first read it in 4th grade. “Mrs. Crow, is your bag more interesting than my lesson?” I darted my head up to see my teacher, Mrs. Yarrow, looking at me with a serious stare. I glanced around to see everyone staring at me. My face turned red as tomato. “Sorry Mrs.” I answer quickly. I swept my hair back behind my ear, as I tried not to look at everyone looking at me. As the bell rang, I quickly packed my bag and ran out the class room to my locker. I shoved my bag into the locker then wiped the sweat off my face. I walked to lunch while trying to find my friends.


I spotted River walking out of the library; she always has her face in a book. “River!” I shouted. She quickly turned her head to look at me, dropping her book in the process. “Oh, hey Imara!” River exclaimed. “Do you know where Rori and Amber are?” I asked. “I saw Amber just a bit ago… but I can’t seem to remember when I saw Rori last.” River said. “Huh...” I said concerned. We both walked to lunch, keeping our eyes peeled for Amber and Rori. I walked over to a table and sat down waiting for River to get her lunch. Before River could come sit by me, Laura Hopkin sat by me. “Hey!” Laura greeted me. “Uhm, hi.” I said slowly. “Hey Laura, have you seen Rori at all?” I asked. She looked at me confuesed, “Who…?” “Rori Hanns? Your cousin?” I said. “I don’t have any cousin named Rori.” She said as she raised her eyebrow. Laura walked away from me, worried. River and Amber came over a bit after Laura left. “Guys guess what!” I announced to the two. “Chicken butt?” They both guessed synchronized. “No what?” I looked at them with a concerned look on my face. “Anyway,” I said, “Laura didn’t know who Rori was! She acted like she didn’t exist!” There was a huge akward silence. “Who?” Amber asked.



I looked at them and said, “Is this a joke…?” Amber scoffed, “No? Who is Rori?” I heard Amber ask. I gasped under my breath. “You’re kidding.” I stuttered. “Imara are you okay?” River asked. I started to stutter my words, just saying gibberish at that point. The bell rang and Amber quickly left, River swiftly followed behind. Hours later, I headed towards the bus pickup. I spotted Amber and River talking to each other. They glanced over at me and quickly went onto the bus. I sighed. I entered the bus and headed to the back. I sat down and pulled my sketch book out of my bag and started doodling. As I watched everyone talk to their friends, happy, but I couldn’t feel that in that moment. I was more worried about what happened to Rori. I looked out my window when the bus passed by Rori’s house, and it was just trees. I could’ve sworn I saw one of the trees glitch. I closed my eyes in attempt to try to relax, but the bus hit a bump and I jumped awake. “Last stop is coming up!” I heard the bus driver say. I put my sketchbook back into my bag, and got ready to leave. As the bus pulled to a stop, I walked up to the door slowly, but I didn’t realize some one was sticking out their leg to trip me. “Hey!” I screeched as I fell. I heard two girls laugh, “Sorry!” I heard one say. I got up and walked to the front of the bus ready to leave. The doors seemed to refuse to open. I gently pushed the door to open but nothing worked. “Uhm, could I get some help?” I asked politely. I watched as the bus driver pressed the open-door button multiple times but to no prevail. I pushed against the door and the door busted open causing me to fall out. All I could hear was the laughter from everyone on the bus. I quickly got up and fast walked to the front door of my house. Not realizing I left my bag on the bus; I turned around in a panic just to see the bus had left. I sighed in anger sitting down by a tree. I waited hours for my mother to return to unlock the front door. 

Finally, after hours I watched her car pull into the driveway. I watched her walk up to the front door unlocking it. I snuck up behind her. “AH!” I heard my mother scream. “Sorry mom!” I said apologetically, rubbing the back of my neck. “What were you doing?! You should be asleep by now.” She scolded me. “Sorry I left my bag on the bus so I couldn’t unlock the door.” I said bashfully. My mother rolled her eyes and walked into the house. I walked to my room and closed the door. I laid down onto my bed, waiting for pure relation to come over my body. Right as I drifted off to sleep, I remembered how my friends didn’t know who Rori was. (END OF CHAPTER ONE)


The Disappearing Cousin of Imara Crow


this is great!!

Thanks lol, but Rori is just Imaras best friend, sorry that you misunderstood it lol xD

ohhh oops :)


ty :)

this is really good. I want chapter 2! Also... I can't find you in my story's comments, are you an over borders fan nowadays? (dont feel bad,  i kinda am too)

Sorry lol. Dw chapter two is in works as I haven't finished this book yet (just started last month lol). And kinda? I cant figure out how to change the tail color- (On over borders)

on top of the settings, there are some green leaves pointing up. click on each green leaf to switch to a different set of settings. one of  them will be tails.


I know I felt the same way when I figured that out