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                                                   Chapter 2: the windclan calico

Echopaw struggled from her father’s strong grip. With a wave of anger, she realized everyone saw what happened in camp, but no one stopped it, her eyes turned to slits of anger mixed with sadness then with a yowl of pain she felt shadowstrike throw her, with a jolt and a roar of a monster rushing past her, in her ears she realized shadowstrike threw her near the thunder path. "Maybe a life as a disgusting kittypet will keep you out of my sights! thunderclan has no need for WEAKLINGS like you!!" He snarled and with one last slash at her throat he stalked off. Echopaw snarled and limped around the border asking herself, what should she do? She lifted her head as she saw a lean muscular body of a tom walking toward her, with panic pricking at her fur she realized she couldn’t smell because of the blood that had encrusted on her nose, if the tom was from a clan or not, and she knew because of her scars she looked weak and defeated, so she ran a few tail lengths away and as she was near the stream she groaned in disgust at getting her paws wet she closed her eyes and mustered up her courage, then one paw after another she stepped into the stream, shivering at the cold. As she walked out of the stream, she felt the blood from her nose clear up. as pride swelled in her chest realizing she could smell again, fear prickled her fur as the tom drew nearer and nearer, she panicked looking from side to side, she knew she would stand no chance against him and she knew she couldn’t go back to the camp because her father would kill her in one snap, and so she sat down curling her tail around her paws as the tom came into view a few mouse lengths away she saw he was a dark calico with eyes as blue as ice, the tom had his ears flattened to his head and his claws unsheathed and his tail lashing gently Echopaw saw that he had unusual long claws, she swallowed uncomfortably knowing this tom was a killer. “who are you?” the tom growled “my name is echo”- Echopaw stopped herself she knew that if this tom knew she was an apprentice of one of the clans he would think she was crossing to his border and chase her off or kill her and she knew she couldn’t run because he would probably chase her, “my name is echo” she mewed lifting her chin with a slight sweet smile trying to look as polite as possible.                                                       

oh that is so cool!! "my name is echo- uh, yeah, um... just echo..." lol


lol wanna hear chapter 3?! i might just make my entire games about these books and put them on scratch, but rn my coding is TRASH sooooooooo i am gonna have NO idea how to make a scrtach game into a book lol

Lol I think you should try :D

anyone here are ya'll good or...decent coders? cuz i NEEEEEEEEED help Y^Y