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because everyone is sharing their stories I decided to share mine too so here it is

Moon Prologue

Spot walked up to the wailing kit. He looked at the kit for a moment then flicked his tail in disapproval. I thought the badger would have killed him, not the other one he thought.

But as he looked into the weaker kit's eyes he saw fear.  After a few seconds, he tried to put on his most friendly face and said: “Hello young kit my name is Spot. come with me if you want to live” 

The kit looked unconvinced "I'm just here to help you. I saw what happened to your mother" After he said that he saw a flash of sadness in the kit's eyes but after a few minutes, the kit said, “Oo..ok...” Huh, this kit is easily convinced. Maybe this kit is good for my plans after all…

aaaah this is so spooky and good! i love it! :)

thank you so much!

OOOO this is good :D

Thanks so much :)

np :3