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 this is my friends

~ Prologue ~

Cyfrin Starblast trudged swiftly through the rain, tugging his cloak closer around him. He kept his head low as he approached the Academy gates. Briskly brushing rain from his coat, he opened the heavy wooden doors and stepped inside. He strode quietly down a long hallway until he reached the principal’s office. Adjusting his hood, he opened the door and entered the room.

Upon entry four fellow cloaked figures turned their heads. 

“Cyfrin,” a female voice hissed from behind the expensive desk in the center of the room. “You’re late.” She clicked her tongue disapprovingly. 

“There was a slight complication on my mission,” Cyfrin replied, his voice deep.

In the dark room, he could see her raise an eyebrow questioningly. “You weren’t seen, were you?” Her voice was cold and questioning.


She looked him over. “Good.” Her gaze lingered before she turned toward the other figures in the room. “Let’s begin, shall we?” She motioned for everyone to take a seat in the shadowy office. 

Once everyone was comfortable, she sat down as well and removed her cloak, revealing her face and dragon-like wings. She had long, brown hair that fell around her shoulders and thin lips drawn back in a line. Her wings were a dark yellow-brown color, and she stretched them after the confinement of her cloak. Everybody else kept their hoods up.

“So?” she asked sharply, her eyes on Cyfrin. “Is she what we think she is?” 

“It appears she may just be. Of course, she has no idea. Nor does it appear that her parents do,” Cyfrin answered.

“How long do you think until she blazes?” the woman asked.

Cyfrin thought for a moment. “I’d say about three months, give or take. I don’t think she’s experienced any symptoms yet, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they started soon. I’ve noticed … a change in her,” he finished thoughtfully.

The leader considered the information for a moment before replying. “I want her advanced to Wings Academy early.” She looked at one of the cloaked figures. “Can you do that?”

“Of course. I will arrange it immediately,” the figure replied.

“Won’t it seem a bit strange though, advancing just one student early?” Cyfrin cut in.

The woman turned a piercing gaze upon him. Her expression gentled a little as she said, “You do have a point.” She turned back towards the cloaked figure. “I want you to select two other students to be advanced with her. Choose whoever you think would be best. But no one that will create a spectacle. Do you understand?”

The figure bowed their head and said, “Certainly.”

The woman nodded, satisfied. “This child is our history and our future. The dragonfolk world will never be the same once she rises.”

(1 edit)

wow that's good i might share my story that I made

(2 edits)

wow thats amazing, maybe the best

i'm already a huge cyfril stardust fan :)