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How do you feel about the game's difficulty? The game doesn’t feel too difficult. After the first level and upgrading the attack, I was able to constantly 1 hit the monsters for the remaining levels I played.

If it is too hard/ too easy, what do you think should be done to make it more balanced? If you just defend till you get to the enemy you can attack instantly after their attack and never take damage. Possibly a shield timer that doesn’t allow you to just hold shield.

Does the parry work fine? What was the parry supposed to do? I tried it from a distance and couldn’t get anything to happen, and tried it somewhat close. Maybe I was just doing it wrong though.

How are the visuals? The visuals of the maps are good, possibly larger or longer maps. I like the design of the character and enemy.

Any bugs? Majority of the levels I spawned in there was an enemy already there attacking me the second I spawned. So I would always instantly take damage. Also the edge of the map you can just fall off and forever fall. There is no pause/exit menu.

Do the UI elements look fine? The UI looks very basic, possibly more details on just the image and it wouldn’t need the description. Like the Heal could just be a full health bar above the Heart instead of having to read, and the +10 attack could be the attack symbol and +10 in the box, etc.

Would you like to see anything else added to the shop? Maybe some weapons, or even VIP bonuses.

What do you like/dislike about escort missions in other games? More strategy involved to make it more challenging.

How do the controls feel? The controls feel good, but the character does not stop well. It will slide for a while after the buttons are no longer pressed.

What would you like to see implemented in the game? Possibly add more enemies, but keep them out of spawn. The enemies in spawn did not give enough time to defend from. Also some obstacles that could be used, so when there are more enemies we can defend and use obstacles to attack the enemies.