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Paying money for this on itch is my compromise. I can't afford to do subscriptions. I don't know if there's a "re-buy" or "tip creator" option on itch.  This game is actually what made me get an itch account. I needed to atleast pay for it like an early access game from steam..... You've done great work so far. The only complaint I have is some of the replayable segs that happens after the main quest chain for characters is weird. Nami and Robin would be a great example.... The recollection room is super easy to use but I don't wanna be forced to "recollect" the good segs because the daily segs is sad.

I really like this game and load my completed file sometimes to just walk around the world visiting the different girls to trigger the segs scenes. I only use the recollection room for specific quest chain replays... I much prefer in game world replay of scenes.