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The game looks amazing, and though the intro is very luring  though, I would say there is a lot I would say you need to improve with it (if you care to). 

First of all, everyone misses this, but a simple interaction UI  would be great. Just being able to understand the controls right off feels immersive. 

Second, you shouldn't give the player a working flare gun that they can fire right off--or at least don't make it shoot merely 25 feet in the air--it feels rather worthless XD. The reason is that obviously, it feels unsatisfying...and like a loss. You don't want players asking, "what if the developer(s) didn't intend me to do that?"--though the flare gun does provide a feeling of safety and comfort to me for some reason--possibly because it is like a weapon. Good job on that one!

Third, the wind and snow is really awesome, as are the textures. I really like your style. I would recommend one thing however : increase the wind power. Make it more dynamic. I know you're going for "Quite Peaks", but the wind should be either louder, or more of a fog.

Third, as with most of the submissions, I would say you need more directive. Wandering around LOST for hours on end may be interesting in real life (though really more scary than interesting XD), but this is a game. Even if it were life like, the player would eventually get bored of the game. A siren, notes, a clear path of wreckage, or something along those lines leading the player would be great! Also try adding denser bushes and possibly even logs and steeper terrain where the player should not go.  

(P.S : your game is one of my favorites. It feels very much like Siren Head, especially with your stylized watch towers! ) 

Congrats for making such a wonderful thing! You should be proud.