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Fantastic game! I also got a bit stuck on the Untitled section, but it was a great moment when I did eventually figure it out.

For any future players, potential spoiler below:

This may have already been considered, but I feel like the solution would have been a bit more intuitive if the obvious path to the exit (the one with the gate) was actually completely missing (just a blank wall); this way, it's obvious that you're not searching for a key, you're searching for a neat way to get there instead. It might also expand upon the "unfinished" theme in that level, like "oops I forgot to place the exit". But I suppose the current level design works with the idea of "oops I forgot to place the key", so either way, it works!

Otherwise, honestly a great experience beginning to end, I loved figuring out how the maps work naturally, I loved the little spooky moments, and I echo that the bicycle was a fantastic quality-of-life addition. Really impressive work for a game jam! Would love to see what you come up with next!

Thank you!

Good point on that one gate, that area was pretty last minute (which kind of fits anyways).

I'm probably going to be doing the next LSD Jam too, so that should be fun, but hopefully also some other random stuff in between!