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I played until I was an export, that was a fun little game. 

I didn't love the random haggling mechanic, but I must admit it's pretty exciting. The loading between the screens was a bit long, making the game not as fluid. Still, all these mechanics that I find individually clunky combined into a nice experience. 

It's very interesting for me as a game designer to play games like these for this reason. Fun can be found in clunkiness. In theory, you should have consequences for player failure other than losing time. But here, I think it serves to improve immersion as a management game. (In this case, failure is mismanaging your inventory so you have to go back to the store, or missing an haggle). 

With that said I still didn't play all the way through because of these game mechanics issues I had. 

Permanently losing inventory space due to leftover shields & swords that you cannot sell anymore because you've upgraded is pretty feel bad. 

Huge congrat on a first successful jam game, you focus on the essentials in pushing a playable, polished game.